隨著面積超過3000坪的誠品信義旗艦店,以打造閱讀生活博物館的概念,塑立臺北文化新地標。對于位在六樓的「誠品文化館」而言,作為延續(xù)誠品以往對藝文產(chǎn)業(yè)的關(guān)注以及標竿形象的場域,也許,如何著墨在「形而上」的精神層次才是值得討論的關(guān)鍵,就像我腦中便浮現(xiàn)出這些問題:它會是一個怎樣面貌的文化發(fā)聲平臺?又將如何扮演臺灣文化場域舵手的角色…事實上,負責設(shè)計的建筑師林洲民扮演夢想實踐者的重要角色。 「誠品文化館是臺灣第一個文化創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)空間的實驗品。」林洲民開門見山的說。由他負責規(guī)劃的「誠品文化館」,涵蓋自手扶梯而上所觸及整個樓層的公共空間、兩間挑高五米的誠品廳和閱讀堂、一間可以容納199人的誠品講堂以及最后一個小型的特展廳,總面積達637坪。它的可貴在于猶如臺北曼哈頓的信義區(qū)上,能夠拋開商業(yè)營運的坪效觀點,經(jīng)營坪效堪憂的藝文空間。誠然,對整個世界而言,都是一個不可思議的決定。這不僅是經(jīng)營者的誠品愿意投入這項文化實驗,也是身為設(shè)計者愿意共襄盛舉,兩者缺一不可。 同誠品負責人吳清友表示,他開書店目的不是賣書,而是推廣閱讀。如今,「誠品文化館」則要將閱讀延伸到藝術(shù)、飲食、美酒、生活之中,進而激勵文化創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)的萌芽,成為一種體驗的美學經(jīng)濟。若說吳清友是此次夢想的催生者,那么,林洲民則扮演這個夢想的實踐者。但不可否認,「這個實驗充滿對城市與空間理想性的一種實踐」,林洲民強調(diào)。 Eslite Bookstore??s new store is no longer a single bookstore. It has been developed into a cultural center offering space for promoting cultural activities and housing numerous related businesses. It was seriously considered that the design for this new store should both be realistic and filled with dreams with a vision that expands Eslite into a hub for Taiwanese culture; this ?§pushing-hand?? position gave the designer Mr. Lin an exceptional opportunity to complete both Eslite??s mission and his personal dream as well. Lin proudly proclaims: ?§This Eslite Bookstore is the first experiment of this kind in Taiwan.?? He was entrusted to design a total of more than 2000 square meters including an Eslite hall and reading hall with five meter ceiling height, and an auditorium for about 200 people and an art gallery. Located in one of the most expensive commercial spaces in the whole of Taipei, Xin-Yi Eslite Store disregarded conventional wisdom that says a store needs to optimize its space in order to grab the greatest financial return. Many believed that the store could not cover all of the costs if such decisions were made. Yet Eslite treated the store not as a single business operation but rather as a cultural magnet that pulls cultural activities together. This is not just a business but an action enriching our lives and society. Chairman Wu of Eslite Bookstore truly believes that he found the store not to simply sell books but rather propagating the fun of reading. Today the success of Eslite Bookstore is as a cultural brand and it has expanded its original mission to a broad spectrum including art, gourmet foods, and fine wines that cover every part of daily life. Furthermore, the Eslite experience has expanded the horizons of the Taiwanese people. It has planted a seed that will eventually grow very large and open a vision for everybody to dream of and enjoy . If Chairman Wu was the one who drew up the vision then designer Lin was the one who help Mr. Wu complete this dream. Mr. Lin also proclaims: ?§this experiment is a realization of a perfect measurement between the city and architecture. ??? 設(shè)計概念: 有別于以往,整個設(shè)計概念是從兩種情境作為的發(fā)想起點。一是屬于自然的,「一個在樹下讀書的小孩/一旁有微風輕拂,耳邊有蟬鳴,空氣中有森林花香的氣味在蔓延...」。二是人為的,「源自威尼斯建筑雙年展的某種經(jīng)驗:無數(shù)的國家館隱身在仿若森林的某一處/每一個館象征一種文化/每一個盒子(館)中蘊含無限的知識。 ...」 透過這兩種情境的串聯(lián),設(shè)計師將「誠品文化館」視為一座蔥郁茂密的閱讀森林,在穿透過象征森林樹干的公共空間后,再連結(jié)至一個個獨立空間(誠品廳/誠品講堂/閱讀堂/特展廳),體驗到延伸自書本以外的閱讀樂趣。 因此,整體設(shè)計主軸是將「森林中的樹干」與「圖書館的書柜」兩者連結(jié),創(chuàng)造一種迥異于過去所有空間與生活的體驗,進而建構(gòu)出一個以知識為底蘊的富饒人文生活。這種體驗,也許是在午后穿過森林般的公共空間后,來到誠品廳欣賞一場展覽、晚上在講堂繼續(xù)進行展覽的延伸講座,或許回過頭進入閱讀堂里三兩聚集談?wù)摶蜷喿x一篇關(guān)于這個展覽的文章。如此,每一空間不再僅僅創(chuàng)造單一價值,經(jīng)由串聯(lián),知識可以在其中被整合、傳遞、溝通與交流。于是,閱讀延伸至書本以外,生活以內(nèi)。 Design Concept: The design concept of the new store is derived from two spatial scenarios: first; one should always contemplate an image, For example: ?§a kid is reading a book under the shade; a breeze flows by; crickets?? sounds never stop; and a flower??s scent permeates the air?K?? This image belongs to a ?§natural world.?? The second image comes from an artificial world; as Lin wanders in a forest in Venice where the Biennial exhibition halls of various countries are spread out as if they were marked on the ground with the historical logos of the represented countries. Lin sees the new Eslite as a forest for readers. As one enters the main entrance they are framed by some thick ?§trees.?? One then enters into the independent grand hall where houses other supporting space such as auditorium and gallery. The first idea of the design is the forest where one sees trunks and leaves. This then expands into bookshelves. Bookshelves signify knowledge and the richness of human civility relying on reading. It is easily inferred that one gets lost in a forest then the thick trees eventually yield open view where a temple of knowledge is situated. Lin expected a spatial continuity from the public (forest) to the most private (a reading corner) which then expands to another level sharing an auditorium. 空間架構(gòu): 林洲民特別指出,參與此案的另一不為人知的艱辛過程在于樓層空間的重整,?了取得餐飲空間與藝文空間兩者之間的平衡,平面規(guī)劃的過程,仿佛是理想與現(xiàn)實的拉鋸戰(zhàn),前后不下數(shù)十次的平面配置往返,最后還是讓出了最好的兩個位置作為挑高5米的誠品廳與閱讀堂(The Library),同時,也成就了一個嶄新、臺北定義的藝文尺度。進而從觀賞到討論的過程,凝結(jié)出更高的知識濃度與純度。 Spatial layout Lin has pointed out the difficulty in arriving with the final solution of the spatial layout. He worked hard to find the best solution to lay the plan of a dining space into this cultural center. More than ten solutions were proposed, and eventually he and the client come out with the best space for the auditorium and ?§The Library.?? This five meter high ceiling grand hall is preserved for everybody with a passion for culture and is welcomed for use anytime. 誠品廳:無限開放的容器之館 面積為120坪的誠品館,作為展覽的主要用途上,以最低限度的設(shè)計,作出極富彈性的空間組合方式,能適切地配合不同機能的使用方式。從第一檔的「腦天氣-Weather In My Brain Sound-Visual Art Festival」到現(xiàn)在的「文化創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)加值展」,目前已經(jīng)逐漸勾勒出如國外藝文空間般的群聚效應(yīng)。可以預(yù)期的,它將會是一個經(jīng)典的誠品學校,一個沒有圍墻、無需預(yù)約的學校,更是未來許多人可以回溯的場域。 Eslite Hall: a counter of endless capacity Eslite Hall is 120 ping, big enough for exhibitions and flexible enough for various occasions. The first show in this hall was called ?§Weather in My Brain Sound-Visual Art Festival.?? an interesting show with a very personal character. It now houses a ?§Creative Product Show??, a partially government sponsored exhibition. It will gradually become a school of learning where everybody is welcome to not just enjoy the exhibited content but also study. 誠品講堂:都市人文之窗 這個嶄新的誠品講堂具有三個特色,作為演講與視聽兩用空間,利用造型的特殊性將吸音以及音響設(shè)備的考量一并納入。其次,可以容納199人的空間,同時,視聽效果甚至空間品質(zhì),都經(jīng)過審慎的規(guī)劃。從第一次使用是李安與詹宏志的對談,到接續(xù)的國際書展系列場場爆滿的演講,更可以充分感覺到空氣彌漫著尊重藝術(shù)的氣息以及即將得到認可的喜悅。 誠品閱讀堂:誠品的文化殿堂 70坪的空間以綿延四周高達五公尺的書架包被,實現(xiàn)了吳清友心中的誠品氣質(zhì),猶如歐洲沙龍氛圍般結(jié)合了餐飲、閱讀、品酒...,它是一個容納閱讀,傳遞知識的場域,同時,也是一個處于進行式的文化實驗,藉由將閱讀融入動態(tài)人生之中,勾勒臺北在地的文化形貌。 由鐵件、玻璃、木材,建構(gòu)與天花板齊高的書架,對應(yīng)的一邊是透過窗外的城市光景。未來,脫離的書架與圍塑座位區(qū),甚至天花上書頁般的間隙燈光,在樹影的搖晃中可以看見由樹木制成的書本。這一排排的書架上的大大小小白色書背,文字脫離了形式,構(gòu)成了樹葉的葉脈、樹干或是灑落成為木板地面的紋路。 雖然整個「誠品文化館」已然營運,然而,作為其中關(guān)鍵的閱讀堂則仍處于調(diào)整的進行式,也許可能只是桌椅的尺度調(diào)整,或者是燈光的換置,這些距離與距離、表皮與表皮之間的關(guān)系,看似人體工學的范疇、空間的微調(diào),卻操演著類似于文化測量般的實驗,歸結(jié)最后,企圖經(jīng)由探測體現(xiàn)自身文化的豐厚度,進而使這里成為臺灣面向世界的文化窗口,而能夠推動這般文化實驗的動力就是那種文明向上提升的理想與堅持。 設(shè)計者」林洲民 J. M. Lin 參與者」蘇玉芬、羅文康、簡煥章、宋秉锜、李懋廷、梁凱雯、戴延如participants/ Yu-Fen Su, Wen-Kang Lo, Huan-Chang Chien, Ping-Chi Sung, Mao-Ting lee, Kai-Wen Liang, Yen -Ju Tai 攝影者」張修政Leon Chang 坐落位置」臺北市信義區(qū)松高路11號6樓 面積」2064㎡ ( 637坪) 設(shè)計時間」2005年8月 至2005年12月 施工時間」2005年10月 至2006年1月 |