東京文華東方酒店以獨樹一幟的設計風格,為賓客帶來非一般感受。酒店擁有與全球各地文華東方酒店一樣的獨特氣質,薈萃了傳統、優質及創新的理念。酒店設計猶如一棵「活生生的大樹」,為賓客帶來嶄新自然的體驗。 擁有179間客房的東京文華東方酒店位于高聳的日本橋三井大樓(Nihonbashi Mitsui Tower) 頂層30至38樓,擁有360度環繞東京的美景。酒店的獨特設計突顯日本橋致力打造全新城市體驗的堅定理念,同時亦標志著這個城市的商業金融區正逐步重現昔日著名歷史文化名城的輝煌成就。 現代化的玻璃帷幕大樓里,整個飯店的內部裝潢以「森林與水」為主題,隱喻它札根于日本橋深厚歷史,表現如向上伸展枝葉的樹木一般,酒店從墻壁、地毯、紡織品、屏風至家具擺設均采用原材料,充分顯示了酒店的兩大主題。 ?秉承日本傳統美學觀,每件物品的設計均是互相配合,以營造和諧的整體而產生。 位于37、38樓則為近270坪的「The Spa」,延續著飯店整體的基調,入口柜臺以簡潔的白灰石材搭配木材,空間中央金屬盆內的水與漂浮著的蘭花散發出淡淡的精油清香。只稍在接待區坐下,便立刻有服務人員端著特制花草茶前來解說。除了沿用高級品牌如Comfort Zone和Aromatherapy Associates外,按摩水池和桑拿房也配上整片落地玻璃,讓人恍如置身云端之上,靜看人車流轉,同時,也讓勞累身軀松弛下來。飯店內房間面積最小也有50㎡,以東京標準來說,算是寬敞,里頭放置的45吋大液晶螢幕,更是頂級的視覺享受﹔并備有德國的Standalone浴缸,比一般浴缸寬大。而且備有掛墻式、手提式和熱帶雨林式淋浴花灑,并一律用上優質的Aromatherapy Associates的沐浴用品。 東京文華東方酒店總經理Christian Hassing表示:「酒店位于東京最佳地段,城市美景一覽無遺,在這里能看到皇宮花園、隅田川及東京灣等迷人美景。賓客可在這個位處東京鬧市的恬靜森林,徹底放松身心、享受生活?!咕频耆肟谔帪榱魉蠕鹊钠俨?,滋潤著酒店這棵大樹的「根」,38樓的頂篷如樹頂茂盛的枝葉,整體效果給人一種置身叢林深處的清新感覺。 Reiko Sudo是東京文華東方酒店的主要紡織品設計師,以紡織品?中央擺設的靈感源自日本傳統和服設計。 Sudo是Nuno Corporation的創立人之一,她的名字幾乎是原創紡織品的同義詞,更兼融傳統及科技。 Sudo與Lim Teo Wilkes Design Works (LTW) 一眾室內設計師及酒店餐廳設計師Ryu Kosaka一同聯手,以日本美學將傳統紡織品的原創材料淋漓盡致地運用于整個酒店之中。 Sudo表示﹕「這次能夠與文華東方酒店合作確實難能可貴?!笴hristian Hassing補充:「我們于設計的每一個細節上都付出了很大的努力,而結果令人十分滿意。」 文字提供」文華東方酒店 Mandarin Oriental Hotel , Tokyo Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo's unique design evokes a strong sense of place, and is a superb combination of tradition, quality and innovation -attributes that distinguish Mandarin Oriental properties around the world. Designed as a 'living tree', the hotel promises to offer guests an extraordinary journey through nature when it opens in December 2005. The deluxe 179-room hotel is within the top floors of the soaring new Nihonbashi Mitsui Tower and adjacent Mitsui Main Building, a Registered Important Cultural Property. The extraordinary design of the hotel is part of an effort to build a new urban experience in Nihonbashi, a renaissance that is slowly returning the city's business and financial district to its celebrated historical and cultural roots. Guided by the main themes of 'forest' and 'water' the hotel is conceived as a single large tree, with the guestrooms as branches. These themes are expressed using original materials on everything from wall treatments, carpets, fabrics, screens and furniture. In keeping with traditional Japanese aesthetics, no single object has been created to stand alone, but rather all items come together to create a harmonious whole. "Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo is perfectly located to appreciate the beauty that Tokyo has to offer, with incredible views of the Imperial Palace gardens, Sumida River and Tokyo Bay," says General Manager, Christian Hassing. "Our guests will be able to relax and enjoy the hotel which has been designed to reflect a quiet forest in the midst of Tokyo," he added. The 'roots' of Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo are nourished by a cascading waterfall located at the hotel entrance, while the 'canopy' located on the 38/F invokes the image of treetop branches and leaves, through an abundance of leafy motifs. The overall effect gives the sensation of standing in the middle of a forest. Reiko Sudo is the principal textile designer behind the creation of Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo, and much of her creative design has literally been woven into the hotel. The original inspiration of using fabric as the centerpiece came from the traditional Japanese kimono. Sudo is one of the founders of the Nuno Corporation - a company and retail store that produces and sells innovative functional fabric. Her name is synonymous with original textiles that blend tradition and technology, and her work has been showcased worldwide, with exhibitions in the United States, India, and Israel. Her creations are also featured in collections of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, The Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York. Sudo, together with interior designers Lim Teo Wilkes Design Works (LTW) and Ryu Kosaka the hotel's restaurant designer, incorporated original fabrics and materials that portray the artistic and cultural traditions of Japan throughout the hotel. "It has been an extraordinary privilege to work with Mandarin Oriental on this project," said Sudo. "A great amount of effort has gone into every aspect of the design detail, and we are all delighted with the results," adds Christian Hassing.text by MANDARIN ORIENTAL, TOKYO 設 計 者」Lim?Teo+Wilkes Design Works 參 與 者」林豐年 攝 影 者」莫尚勤 業 主」東方文華酒店集團 坐落位置」2-1-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku,東京 開幕時間」2005年12月 Designer」Lim?Teo+Wilkes Design Works Designer team 」Lim Hong Lian Photographer」 Steve Mok Client」Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Location」2-1-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Open Date」Dec2005 |